A couple days ago I went to the grocery store with Ally. They have a Red Box just inside the door. If you're not familiar with Red Box, it's just a DVD rental kiosk that costs $1 to rent/day. Ally's under the impression that we're getting a movie every time we hit the grocery store so naturally she asked if we could get one. She recognizes Batman and is dead set on watching the Dark Knight with me one of these days. No, I have not let her watch it. I know it's too intense for her and some of the movies I rent tend to be higher than a G rating so I watch them after she goes to bed. So as we're approaching the door, she tells me, "Daddy, can we get a movie? I don't want one of those bad ones that you watch after I go to bed." I'm not sure what was running through the minds of the 2 little old ladies walking beside us who began chuckling but I didn't exactly want to see the look on their faces either. If there's a moral to this story is just be sure that you know what you're doing when you decide to have kids. Be prepared to handle being embarassed in public on numerous occasions. This is why I may choose not to have more than 2 kids; 1 kid to a parent or you're outnumbered. Best form of birth control? Try raising a monkey like the one we got.
I'm sure this will improve over time as I get used to this and learn more about how all this works. But until then, enjoy...
Classic! Gotta love those embarrasing parenting moments :) Thanks for the invite to see your blog!! You two must be the nuggets who are raising the monkey!