A few weeks ago, Bella started finally giving us smiles... you know, the real ones that are not gas-related? But we have finally moved on to giggling. This is the first recorded video of the event. I was trying to do this with my phone in one hand while leaning my head in to tickle her tummy. Working on trying to get a better, and steadier video, of the next event. Stay tuned...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
It's Already Starting...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Quick Tidbits...
Bella started smiling this week and they've come at random times. While mom was changing Bella's diaper yesterday, the kid decided to let fly an air biscuit. This one stunk a bit and was accompanied by a smile that lasted for quite a while. The entire time mom was complaining about the smell, the kid just kept smiling. I couldn't complain. In fact, I was quite proud of this prized pupil. Wouldn't you find it humorous if you had just let off in someone's face and they couldn't walk away from it?
Something to think about... why did the geniuses at Toyota design the Prius to top out at 20mph? And why does there have to be so many on the road that I always end up getting stuck behind one... going 20mph on the freeway?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Let the Games Begin
It used to be where Becky would come home from school with some funny stories about the kids. Now that we have a kindergartner of our own, we're bound to hear more stories. And the first one has come with a blast.
In our house, we don't use the term "fart" for fear that the kid will be walking around in public saying something like, "who farted?" So we started using the term "buffalo" as a code word for a human be-bop. Now that you have a little background, you'll understand the story better. While in the car on the way home from school earlier this week, the conversation between mom and child went something like this...
Ally: Mom, someone was stinky in my class today.
Mom: Oh really. Did someone do a buffalo?
Ally: I don't think so. I didn't hear anything.
Mom: Well, sometimes when people do buffalos they don't make noise and you can't hear them.
Ally: Not in our house!
And now our brand new car is in the shop. Not really, but that just goes to show how good of a driver Becky really is. I love my kids...
Monday, August 9, 2010
No More Lumps
Today was the day that something was finally done. We got us some ceiling fans recently and my brother-in-law Vidal was on vacation this week and came and helped me install a couple. Neither one of us is an electrician by trade but he at least has done this before in his own home. Me on the other hand... I'd probably be smart enough to go and do some wiring while stepping in a puddle of water. So I stuck to the screws and the blades of the fan. We made a great team and got 2 of the fans installed. We still got 3 left to do but those will come later this week. At least for now I can have my oatmeal lumpy and not have lumps after my oatmeal. Life is good... and a little cooler these days.
Monday, July 26, 2010
New Neighbors
We figured when we brought baby home that Coach was going to have a little bit of a tough time adjusting to his new baby sister. We still don’t know if he’s adjusted yet or not. The first couple of days he would circle around us and bark but he’s been pretty quiet the past few days. Our neighbors behind us have been making quite a bit of noise in their backyard all summer and he’s been out there quite a bit barking at them. He’s been out there even more this past week. All he’s been doing is pacing along the back fence from one side to the other.
A couple of weeks ago we could hear a bunch of noise coming from their yard. They had all kinds of power tools going but I didn’t pay much attention as their 3 boys (ages 4-10 or so) are noisy power tools themselves with all their arguing and fighting. It gets worse when Mama Banshee comes out and starts yelling at them in their native tongue.
I went to get Coach out of the garage the other morning and heard some yapping coming from their yard. It wasn’t the kids this time but instead it was some Mighty Mouse-sized mutt. I took a peek out of curiosity but couldn’t see the pint-sized pooch as it was enclosed in a 6’ high cardboard box. As I looked over the fence, that’s when I saw the little cottage against the fence. They had built themselves a freakin’ chicken coop. Everything is starting to make sense now:
- All the power tools went into building the coop.
- Coach paces along the back fence following the chickens around.
- The Census in our area was done a few weeks ago… prior to the coop being built and the new tenants moving in.
I’m wondering how much rent they’re paying for their little cottage? With the economy tanking, egg-laying doesn’t sound like a bad gig right now. You can work from home and get all the fresh air you want. All I know is if I hear a rooster crowing early in the morning, I’ll be singing me some Zac Brown: “You know I like my chicken fried/ cold beer on a Friday night/ a pair of jeans that fit just right/ and the radio up.”
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Latest addition... for real this time
Monday, May 31, 2010
New Addition to the Family
We spent this morning like most Memorial Day mornings: we got up and washed the Ford Escape and drove over to the church for the annual Memorial Day Breakfast. We left the clean Escape at home and took the dirty Jetta instead. Ally left with Grammy without saying goodbye and we figured we had a free playday... or at least a few hours. So we decided to go out looking at cars, not necessarily expecting to come home with one. We at least wanted to check things out and see what was out there. One thing we knew for sure was that with 2 kids we would need something bigger than the Jetta. This is the last time we saw the Jetta...
BUT... we wen't the only one who got a new set of wheels. Good ol' Uncle Ben got himself a new bike. I'm not sure if he was planning on getting rid of his old one but this one seems to suit him. I love how he's going for what he calls the "on-deck": wearing the helmet over the baseball cap. Gotta give him credit for respecting the mandatory state law of wearing a helmet while on a bike.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
At the Speed of Life...
- Feb. 7- Ally loses her first tooth before the age of 5. Shouldn't be a surprise since she got her first teeth at 14 weeks. 3 weeks later she loses another. She then loses #3 in April and is in the process now of losing #4.
- During Becky's week off in February, Joe took the week off and we headed to a couple places for a quick family outing. We first headed to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield and Ally had a great time... eating jelly beans. We also headed off to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Ally got to see her fish and we used the trip as a good excuse to check out Rosine's (shameless plug). The food isn't great but this place is all about the deserts. We walk in and see a display of cakes about 12" high. We were going to get a couple slices as we couldn't decide which to choose. We noticed a cake with quite a chunk cut out and asked what the size of a slice was. "You see what's missing out of that cake? That size." Needless to say, we stuck to a single slice and it was great! We'd been hearing quite a bit of this place and we're anticipating the next trip.
- March- we find out that baby #2 is another girl. We're calm as we realize that it will be cheaper this way since we saved a bit of Ally's things. Prior to finding out we asked Ally if she wanted a baby brother or sister. "I want a baby sister. We already have Coach (the dog) so I already have a brother." Precious. It's a good thing Coach's training class graduation diploma lists his name as Coach Pereira. I'm not sure we're allowed to have a baby boy to carry the name otherwise thanks to Ally's selection process.
- April- we got the "Avatar" Blu-Ray... awesome!
- May- Ally turned 5. We ended up getting a much bigger cake for her than we thought so we had a couple people over to help us eat it. We asked for no gifts but of course no one ever listens to me. Ally was opening her gifts and when she got to Grammy's, everyone asked "what is it?" Ally nonchalantly grabbed the bag and before loooking in said, "Clothes, of course." Sure enough, it was clothes. She got the bike she's been wanting and then asked what kind of bike she was gonna get when she turned 6. And we decided to have another girl?
That's been the major events over the past couple of months. Too many little things in between but little time to sit and blog regularly. Maybe one day when we have nothing better to do. At least tomorrow is Memorial Day and we both get to enjoy a day off. Much needed.